Telluride Adventure Elopement Photography

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How to Self-Solemnize Your Elopement

Self-solemnizing your wedding ceremony is truly unique, but we understand it can also be intimidating! We’ve answered some basic FAQ’s about marrying yourselves in Colorado. If you have more detailed questions about how it works, email us at

What is self-solemnizing?

It is getting legally married without a minister, judge or other officiant. In its simplest form: you say vows to each other, sign the marriage license, and then it’s legal! Colorado is only one of three states to allow this, which makes is so unique and intimate. Most couples read vows, exchange rings, and have a first kiss. But the cool thing is you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to! You may choose to do a special ring exchange at our 2nd photo location, or have a display of commitment like handfasting. We will talk you through how it all works so you don’t feel awkward while self-solemnizing!

Is it legally binding if we self-solemnize?

Yes! However, you also have to sign the marriage license and return it to the county clerk for completion. If you live in another state, you can self-solemnize in Colorado and it will be recognized in all 50 states and worldwide just like any marriage.

What do I have to say to make it legal?

There are no “magic words” you are required to say. Self-solemnizing means you’ll be writing your own vows, which will be personalized to your relationship and personalities. It can be very short, or you can take time to read letters from loved ones. We highly recommend using vow books or having a small piece of paper that won’t be distracting in your photos.

How do I get a marriage license?

You can get your license from any county clerk in Colorado - it does not have to be in the county you’re getting married in. BUT, you do have to return it to the same office you got it from. Most can be returned via mail. Check the website of the county clerk you plan to visit. Office hours and appointment times vary, plus you’ll need to bring certain forms of ID. The license costs $30 and you can use it the same day.

Ouray County Clerk’s Office (for Ouray and Ridgway elopements):

San Miguel County Clerk’s Office (for Telluride elopements):

Do we need witnesses if we self-solemnize?

No. Witnesses are not required in CO. Your dog can also place their paw print as your “witness” and we’ll bring our special pup ink pad!

Do we have to write our own vows?

Usually self-solemnizing goes hand in hand with writing your own vows. However, if you get writer’s block, you can find many templates online.

Lastly, some of our couples still choose to have an officiant perform their ceremony, and we have referrals to give if you’d prefer that!